Striking Harmony: Navigating ADHD Therapy Choices for Balance

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is a prevalent mental health condition impacting individuals of various age groups. Approximately 8.4% of children and 2.5% of adults are officially diagnosed with ADHD, though the actual figures might be higher due to cases where individuals may be unaware of their condition or haven't undergone formal diagnosis.

ADHD Therapy at Kinder Mind

Kids diagnosed with ADHD may encounter challenges in school, grappling with tasks, restlessness, and impulsivity. Similarly, adults with ADHD might face difficulties in both professional and personal spheres, including time management, relationship functioning, organizational tasks, and restlessness. Fortunately, a range of treatment options, such as therapy, medication, and lifestyle adjustments, are available to support individuals managing ADHD.

Therapeutic Approaches for Managing ADHD

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Individuals grappling with ADHD symptoms may discover relief through behavior therapy or talk therapy. Among the various therapeutic interventions, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) stands out as one of the most widely recognized and effective methods. Backed by research demonstrating its efficacy across diverse mental health conditions, including ADHD, CBT centers on reshaping negative thought patterns. This proactive approach aims to enhance an individual's mood, overall outlook, self-esteem, and more. In the context of ADHD, CBT practitioners may specifically target thought patterns related to productivity and emotions, fostering increased motivation and a more positive emotional state.

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)

Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) seamlessly integrates the core principles of CBT, which focuses on transforming negative or unproductive thought patterns into positive ones, with the foundational aspects of mindfulness meditation. Mindfulness, in this context, entails purposeful awareness of the present moment without judgment or an attempt to alter it. Engaging in mindfulness practices, such as breathing exercises and meditation, alongside the process of reframing cognitive distortions, proves beneficial in enhancing ADHD symptoms and contributing to overall well-being.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT), renowned as the gold standard for treating borderline personality disorder, extends its effectiveness to ADHD treatment as well. DBT operates by assisting individuals in cultivating comfort with distressing emotions, proving particularly beneficial for those with ADHD facing challenges in emotion regulation. Beyond this, DBT contributes to enhancing interpersonal relationships, sharpening focus, and reducing overall ADHD symptoms.

ADHD Coaching

For individuals seeking to address specific ADHD symptoms or challenges, the services of an ADHD coach can prove highly beneficial. ADHD coaching is a valuable resource for targeting specific situations arising from ADHD symptoms, such as chronic lateness or difficulties focusing at work. By providing new methods and tools, ADHD coaching assists individuals in overcoming obstacles and successfully achieving their goals.

Interpersonal Therapy

Individuals with ADHD might encounter challenges in their relationships, stemming from symptoms such as disorganization, emotional dysregulation, and difficulties focusing during conversations. Interpersonal therapy offers a supportive environment where those with ADHD can enhance their ability to accept and manage emotions while improving effective communication with others.

Group Therapy

As a supportive intervention for individuals with ADHD, group therapy provides a space where participants can share their experiences, offering mutual comfort and encouragement. The understanding and empathy among group members create a supportive atmosphere. ADHD group therapy goes beyond shared experiences, also providing valuable tools and coping skills to effectively manage ADHD symptoms, fostering more positive behavior overall.

Narrative Therapy

Individuals with ADHD may grapple with self-stigma, experiencing feelings of shame associated with having ADHD and coping with its symptoms. This often leads to challenges in self-esteem and confidence. Narrative therapy serves as a constructive approach, empowering individuals to reshape the narratives they tell themselves. By focusing on recognizing strengths and achievements, rather than fixating on perceived negative qualities, narrative therapy fosters a positive and empowering mindset.

Options for ADHD Medication

The medical field has recognized a multitude of treatments for ADHD, with significant research indicating that a combination of therapy and medication often yields effective results. Frequently prescribed medications for ADHD include:


Often referred to as 'uplifters,' these medications are frequently used in ADHD treatment. They work by enhancing the levels of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain, enabling individuals with ADHD to think with greater clarity, focus more effectively, and overall boost their productivity. These medications, however, can cause side effects and may affect sleep patterns and appetite.


The use of non-uplifting medicines has proven to significantly enhance the symptoms of ADHD by increasing the concentration of norepinephrine in the brain. Although these medicines may take longer to kick in compared to uplifters, they often result in fewer side effects, making them a viable treatment option for ADHD.


While mood elevators are yet to receive FDA approval for ADHD treatment, they have shown potential in alleviating ADHD symptoms. These drugs, like uplifters, stimulate the production of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain, leading to improved focus, clearer thinking, and increased motivation. However, mood elevators that affect serotonin (SSRIs) haven't demonstrated effectiveness in ADHD treatment. Recent studies have explored the potential of new ADHD treatments, leading to the FDA's approval of a selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor for treating ADHD in patients aged 6-17 years old.

Modifying Lifestyle for ADHD Management

Modifying certain lifestyle habits can potentially alleviate symptoms of ADHD. This might be especially useful for individuals who are hesitant about medication or who are not availing mental health services. Nevertheless, these lifestyle modifications can be advantageous for anyone diagnosed with ADHD, irrespective of their use of therapy or medication.

Importance of Sleep

We're all aware that sufficient sleep is vital for our physical and mental wellbeing. For people living with ADHD, ensuring ample sleep can help in controlling the symptoms. It is observed that ADHD individuals are more prone to experience insomnia and other sleep-related issues. Consequently, focusing on improving sleep patterns can be an effective strategy to enhance your overall health and manage ADHD symptoms.

Role of Exercise

Just like adequate sleep, maintaining a regular exercise regime benefits everyone, not just those diagnosed with ADHD. However, physical activity seems to be a particularly efficient intervention for ADHD - research indicates that consistent exercise can reduce all ADHD symptoms, including distractibility, hyperactivity, impaired executive function, impulsivity, motor skills, and academic performance.

Regular Routines

Incorporating routines into one's daily life might mitigate ADHD symptoms such as executive dysfunction, poor time management, and impulsive behavior. Establishing and following consistent sleep and wake times and creating morning and evening routines could be beneficial. A typical evening routine might incorporate preparing a nutritious meal, participating in a favored pastime, and taking a soothing bath or shower before sleep. Other potential lifestyle enhancements might include:

  • Stress management

  • Consuming a balanced diet

  • Seeking assistance from friends and family

  • Practicing meditation or yoga

Advantages of Therapy

Engaging in therapy can serve as an efficient method to manage ADHD symptoms and invest in mental health. If you're contemplating therapy, you might not be certain if it's suitable for you. However, studies suggest that therapy recipients reap lasting benefits even after they cease therapy. Some of the benefits derived from therapy include better physical and mental health, fewer sick leaves, enhanced job satisfaction, and fewer health complications.

Online therapy eliminates the need for traditional therapy hassles such as scheduling appointments, making it to the clinic, or arranging for childcare. The convenience of accessing professional care from the comfort of your home marks a new age in therapy. As research suggests, the effectiveness of online therapy is not to be undermined. It has shown significant results in handling a myriad of mental health issues, including ADHD therapy according to recent studies.

Key Takeaways

Several strategies are available to manage and mitigate the symptoms of ADHD. These include a broad spectrum of therapeutic approaches such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT), and ADHD coaching, which can be particularly helpful in teaching practical skills to cope with ADHD symptoms. In addition to therapy, medications are often employed to manage symptoms effectively. Lifestyle modifications in the form of diet, sleep, and routine adjustments also contribute significantly towards managing ADHD symptoms.

For individuals with adult ADHD, seeking treatment in the form of therapy, medication, or lifestyle changes - or a blend of these approaches - can be a stepping stone towards a more rewarding and content life. For more information about the available treatment options, don't hesitate to book online with us to work with a professional experienced in ADHD or call our scheduling team at 1-866-846-7765. We are ready and willing to provide guidance and support.

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Dr. Elizabeth Barlow, LCSW-S, LICSW

Dr. Barlow. is an Independent Clinical Social Worker and Clinical Supervisor licensed in Massachusetts, West Virginia, Virginia, Florida, and Texas. She has a passion for helping her clients make positive progress towards achieving their goals for happiness by taking an individualistic approach. Dr. Barlow knows that everyone's goals and journey towards happiness is unique and her favorite part of being a therapist is to help clients shrink the feelings of anxiety, stress, and overwhelm by breaking it down into small, digestible pieces.

Coping With ADHD: A Comprehensive Guide


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