Online Therapy for Anxiety
A few words about anxiety…
There is nothing wrong with getting anxious from time to time. When faced with the unfamiliar, many people lean into fear and overthinking, worry, and that’s right— anxiety. However, when your anxiety is interfering with your daily life or keeping you from activities that serve to bring you joy, then it’s time to take action. If you find that worry and overthinking are perpetual companions in your every day life, then we will help you let go and find your inner peace.
Kinder Mind has professionally trained online therapists specializing in anxiety who will be excited to listen and teach you how to best overcome your anxiety. Our team will work closely with you to listen, understand, and help you release. Together we will uncover root causes to your anxiety and work with you to make adjustments that will lift the weight off your shoulders and help you live and feel your best!
Below are some signs and symptoms of anxiety and our tips for coping with this uncomfortable feeling of dis-ease.
Signs and symptoms of anxiety
Uncontrollable, worry-provoking thoughts
Difficulty concentrating
Feeling restless and wound up
Dwelling about a traumatic event
General feelings of weakness
Feeling on edge or on the verge of panic
Muscle tension and headaches
Trouble remaining calm
Increased irritability
Numbness in the hands or feet
Dry mouth
Gastrointestinal problems
Spiraling into prolonged periods of worry
Heart palpitations
Shortness of breath
Sleep difficulty
Kinder Mind Tips for reducing anxiety
Establish a routine that you enjoy
Increase your physical activity
Remember to breathe. Check out our video recommendations and try the Wim Hof Breathing Method
Treat your self right by putting nutrient rich food into your body
Reduce your caffeine intake
Practice mindfulness activities to stay present
Follow Kinder Mind’s 10 tips for getting better sleep
Practice self care through activities like yoga, meditation, reiki, and swimming
Play calming music
Put on a TV program that will make you laugh
Close your eyes and repeat to yourself that you’re okay
Journal about your anxiety. Here’s a good resource for 5 minute activities.
Practice gratitude every day
Talk with friend or family member
Book an online therapy session with an anxiety counselor at Kinder Mind
5 Common Types of Anxiety Disorders
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder is an anxiety disorder characterized by chronic anxiety, exaggerated worry and muscle tension, which may occur whether or not you are provoked.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
PTSD can occur after exposure to a terrifying event in which harm occurred or was threatened. Life traumas involving assaults, human caused disasters, and military combats are some examples of things that may lead to PTSD.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
OCD is an anxiety disorder characterized by unwanted, reoccurring thoughts. Repetitive actions like perpetual hand washing, counting, cleaning, and other rituals can be temporary coping mechanisms for OCD.
Social Anxiety Disorder
Social anxiety Disorder occurs in social settings when a person becomes self consciousness in every day situations, group settings, on stage, or while eating and drinking around others.
Panic Disorders
Panic disorders are an increased form of anxiety that may lead to rapid heartbeats, dry mouth, disorientation, shaking, chills, sweating, and loss of control. A panic attack is a sudden feeling of terror brought on by major life stressors.
Ready to advocate for your own mental health?
We love to see it! Our best in class online therapists are here to listen and help you set your goals. Get started on your journey with us and book an online therapy session today. You can also keep up with Kinder Mind on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.
As you confront your anxiety, understand it more fully and explore its routes, you will feel much more in control. Once you develop the skills our therapists teach you, you will see your symptoms reduce and the lightness return into your life! Through proper treatment and mind-body exercises, we will bring the control back into your hands and put many of your anxious thoughts to rest.
Kinder Mind provides online therapy in Massachusetts and is the best therapy in Boston, the South Shore, North Shore, Metro West, Needham, Newton, Cambridge, Cape Cod, Western Mass and beyond. Phone and video therapy sessions are available. Kinder Mind also offer services in the South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, and Illinois.
Book an online therapy session today and keep up with Kinder Mind on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.